Perfection & Capitalism (Perfection, pt 3)

Capitalism, in fact, thrives on the pursuit of an ever-changing idea of perfection. It thrives on pursuit in general, and the greater the pursuit, the greater the consumption – of time, of energy, and of course, of resources. And perfection is the ultimate pursuit. It keeps us focused on the future and unconscious in the present, missing who we actually are and what is actually happening in the desire for what we FOMO on.

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Perfection & the Great Chain of Being (Perfection, pt 2)

When we rank the superiority of life forms on a human-determined, essentially arbitrary, arrogantly immutable hierarchy, we are necessarily isolating entire species. That does not leave space for mutuality or co-evolution, or collaboration or interconnection, all relationships that we know not only exist, but are essential for the sustainability of life.

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